Ex. Libris Louis Roeder

Editor, The Trafalgar Chronicle, The 1805 Club







Y W~~\ H E cuftomary modes of fleering Ships have been hitherto [jj fubjeel: to numerous inconveniencies.

The Tiller, by its length, is not only cumberfome, but obftrucls the Seaman in many neceffary operations ; particularly on board Ships or fmaller VeHels where it is upon the upper or quarter Decks, the one half of which is thereby taken up.

In large Ships, the Tiller alone proving infufficient for the purpufe, Ropes, Blocks and Pullies have been neceffarily brought to its Aid. The Rifque attendant on thefe in time of a&ion with an Enemy, and under various other cafualties incident to Shipping, is certainly worthy a ferious attempt to remove.

Tn Merchant Ships, the Gun Room is generally fo rilled, that the Tiller has fcarce room to traverfe ; and if by any accident the Ti!!:r, Ropes, or Blocks, become damaged or deficient, it is a tedious and troublefome tafk to replace them with Others ; and in the meanwhile, the delay muft be dangerous, and may be fatal.

The fpace occupied by the Tiller and its Tackle, in the Gun Room, is defirable to the Merchant for the increafe of his Freight ; and, on tfe it account, is, even at much hazard in the common mode, itjtempYqd to be rilled. By the Method herein recommended, the Merchant \ . : have this Space to ufe witfiout Rifque, and the Beams below the dL. In Deck may be pillar'd a very needful precaution in arm'd Ships, to beai the


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Weight of the Guns in that part where the heavieft are ufually carried.— To Ships of War the Tiller, wherever placed, whether in the Gun Room,. Cabin, or upon Deck, is a great Incumbrance: and the proportionable advantage derived from its removal, will be obvious to every Seaman.

How far the Patent Steering Machine will remove die before-mentioned inconveniences, and contribute to the eafe, as well as the fafety, of the Mariners and VefTel, we now fubmit to the judicious Navigator. To be found to have, in any degree, contributed to their fafety, we mall deem our greateft merit ; and therefore we flatter ourfelves, that even the pre- fent attempt towards it will not be thought impertinent. Influenced by this Idea, we now venture to follicit the Confideration of all who are in- terefted, or employed, in the management of Ships. Seniible of the Rifque which every man runs who flakes his name on any new Invention,, or Adoption, we have deferr'd recommending this machine to public- notice, until in repeated trials we had juftified Theory by Pra&ice..

It has been ufed with fuccefs in a Ship of Four hundred Tons burthen, in the Weft India Trade,, for four Years ; during that time, the Ship has made five voyages, and fuftain'd many violent Gales of Wind: me was difmafted in the Hurricane in the Leeward Iflands 1776, her rudder broke, and her Bowfprit fprung, yet the fame Machine, firft put up, remains to this hour perfect and intire, nor has it in any inftance fail'd.

It ftands alfo, in this cafe, a full proof of the Gain- refulting from its ufe to the Owners of a Ship. The fpace in the Gun Room, which was formerly left for the Tiller and its Tackle, has, during the five Voyages above-mentioned, been filled with Merchandize, both outward and home- ward bound, the Freight of which has already exceeded Three hundred Pounds Sterling.

The Figures 1, and 2, in the Plate, will give a general view of the whole Machine, which confifts of very few parts. Ships are differently conftructed, fome have their flern pofts almoft perpendicular, others with a confiderable Rake. The Steering Machine is fo contrived, as to be alike applicable to all. In thofe whofe Stern-pofls rake, and where (on that account, or from other caufes) the fpace abaft the rudder is not


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jfufficient for the Quadrant to traverfe clear of the Stern, we ufe the Quadrant (B) with the Teeth on the infide of the Arch. It is let down on the head of the Rudder, nearly even with the upper edge of the upper mortice (1) cut for the Tiller; and being there fecurely wedged on, proves a hoop, or binding, to the Rudder Head.

The Quadrant is fixed fo, as to form a Rectangle with the Stern-port, and have the fame Centre with the Rudder.

The Pinion Wheel (i) and Spindle (b) are placed parallel to the Stern- port, and made to acl: on the Quadrant by a Wheel (a) fix'd on the Top of the Spindle, parallel to the Plane of the Quadrant, and tufn'd by the Helmfman. The fuperior Power thus obtain'd, beyond that of the Tiller, &c. is evident to any Perfon converfant in Mathematical Calcu- lation.

Every Inconvenience apprehended from the rifing of the Rudder, is obviated in the conrtruction of this Machine ; the Spindle and Pinion-- Wheel being exactly parallel to the Stern-Polt, and confequently, to the Rudder, the Quadrant at Rectangle thereto, plays eafily up and down, to the utmoil bound the Rudder can poffibly rife.

The Frame Work, fupporting the Spindle when it is ftep'd on the upper Deek, is fo conftructed (as appears by the Plate, Fig. i and 2) to leave room, if at any time it was thought neceffary, for a Tiller to be fhip'd and to traverfe below it. The fame Provilion is made, if the Spindle fteps on the middle Deck, for a Tiller to be mip'd either in the Cabin or Gun-Room.

Experience has hitherto given no caufe to fuppofe fuch Precaution neceffary ; it is however certain, that by adopting this Machine, great advantage and convenience may accrue, without leflenmg the Power of inftantly applying, and ufing, the former mode of Tiller, &c. whenever it mail be judged proper.

This will be attain'd without removing the Machine, the Spindle being made to ftep in a Steel Socket, which Socket is fet in an oblong


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Frame, and wedged therein up to the Teeth of the Quadrant, to keep the Teeth of it, and the Pinion Wheel, true and clofe to each other. Such being their Situation, by only removing the Wedge, the Spindle falls back fufSciently to leave the Rudder free, and fubfervient to the fole

agency of the Tiller.

Apprehenfions therefore which might prevail againft its ufe, with thofe who are fcrupulous about leaving an old Path, are thus compleatly ob- viated ; and it is plainly proved, that in furnifhing them with additional Powers, and Accommodation, we do not deprive the Mariners of any that they enjoy 'd before.

In the old method of fleering with a Tiller, Ropes and Wheels, the action of the Helmfman is not immediately communicated to the Rudder, the Rope being more or lefs flack mufl be hove taught before any effect can be produced by the Tiller ; but, in the Patent Steering Machine, the Motion is inftantly communicated by the flighteft touch of the Helmf- man's Hand.

The Index (g) placed immediately below the Horizontal Wheel (a), moving between the Sheaves (n n) thews the Helmfman the exact Po- rtion of the Rudder ; and the Steerage becomes at once quick, eafy, and certain.

The Tiller in its action fhoves the Rudder from the Stern Poft, and is, confequently, a (train on it, as well as on the Googings and Pintles ; but the Quadrant and pinion wheel, as we have placed them, act in aid of all, being like a Shoar or Support to the Rudder in every Pofition ; and keeping the motion of the Pintles in the Googings, true, equal and regular, prove in fact another more powerful Brace.

Should any ons object, to the fuppofed Bulk of the foremofl Machine, if the Quadrant is placed in the Cabin ; let it be obferved, that it only ex- tends two feet and a half, or three feet from the Rudder, even in Ships of 500 Tons burthen -y and proportionally lefs in fmaller veffels. It may be neatly cafed into the Form of a Cabin Table, equally as convenient and ufeful as any other Table.


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But, in Ships where the Stern-pour is nearly perpendicular, and where there is fufficient room abaft the Rudder for the Quadrant (A) with its Pinion Wheel clear of the Stern j the Quadrant, is applied with its arch towards the Stern, the Center of which being (as defcribed before) exactly over, or in a line with, the Center of the Pintles, it occupies very little Space, .whether placed in the Cabin, Gun Room, or upon the upper Deck ; and, like the other, is equally applicable to either : having then the Teeth on the outride of the Arch, it gives the fame aid in fupport of the Rudder, and adds ftrength to the Pintles and Googings.

The whole Apparatus can be fix'd, in any Ship, on twelve or fourteen Days previous Notice, at a very eafy expence, which, one voyage will amply repay.

We have thus given a plain defcription of this Machine ; and Models of it, in both Forms, may be feen at any Time. The candid Examination of its Powers and Conveniencies, the Compactnefs of its Form, and, above all, the Simplicity of its Construction, we flatter ourfelves will foon recommend it to general Ufe.

Bifhopfgate-ftreet, Auguft, 1779.

Thomas William Jolly Robert Beatty.

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